I went home this last week to visit my family and show off my handsome baby. I always think that when I go home I will want to stay but it is not my home anymore. I like visiting but after a week I was ready to come back to Utah. After living in Utah and seeing how much different the people here are makes me not want to leave. I always told my self I did not want to live in Utah but I really enjoy the smoke free and mostly alcohol free living. I mean I do not have to deal with drunk people or worrying about my baby sucking in second hand smoke.
For example my father and I had to go to Billings Montana to have my moms car serviced and we also did a little shopping. We were walking into a store when we see this lady holding a small child of one or two and another child about 3 walking next to her. In her hand she has a cigarette and is smoking it like nothing is wrong. She had no regard for her child. I almost said something to her but I did not want to embarrass my dad or her in front of her kids.
That kind of behavior makes me so angry. How can people not care about their family and increase their chances of cancer without their consent.
The best part of going to visit my family is getting to snowmobile again. I really miss doing it every week. I used to be good and now I get tired after one or two hours. My dad has not really been going as much either. It may be his age or not having anyone to go with.
For me I am happy being a Utard. I may not have any luxuries but I have my husband and child and that is what makes me happy.