Well, other than them staying here, Matt, I and the baby have all been sick. I caught a really bad head cold that turned into a sinus infection. No fun!!!! Because I was sick I got behind in my homework and for the last few days I have been trying to catch up.
The baby is getting more adorable everyday. He is now trying to crawl but is mostly just scoots and usually goes backwards. He has started reaching for his toys a lot. Not just grabbing at stuff but really reaching with both hands stretched out. He is also laughing at everything we do. Matt bought a new backpack to carry him around in Little Matt loves it. He really likes going places with us. It makes it easier than trying to carry him in his car seat.
Matthew and grandma helping with Eric's eagle project.
I have been stressing out about being done with school. It is weird to think I will no longer be taking classes or even be a student. I could be a forever student if I did not have to worry about money. I am actually afraid to have a real job and put my schooling to use. I do have to take one math class and it is my vice. I hate math so much and it kills me that I have gone this long and never needed it or even used it. I will not let it keep me from graduating!
On a lighter note, Matt and I have adopted some cute little ducklings for Easter. They are so cute but very messy. We bought two black ducks and one white pekin duck. I am not sure what to name them but I was thinking Huey, Duey and Luey? When they are all grown up we are going to let them go at a city pond or on the river. They are already recognizing me and sorta starting to follow me around. They do not like it when I pick them up but I think they know I am the hand that feeds them.
The Ducks enjoying bath time.
My brother in-law has recently received his mission call and we are so excited for him. I think I am the most excited out of everyone in the family. More than Brett. He is going the the Stockholm Sweden mission. I can not even imagine learning Swedish but then again I learned Thai.