
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Labor and Delivery

So I thought after having one child that it would be easier to deliver the second. In a way the labor was easier but scarier. My first delivery was very pretty easy and non-typical. Our son decided to come one week before his due date. I was only in the hospital for about an hour before I was able to start pushing. I only had  hard contractions (at home) for about two hours and the doctor had to break my water. I was dilated to a seven when I went in and progressed really fast. I was at the hospital in time for an epidural (highly recommended). It was actually a fairly pleasant experience considering I was pushing a baby through me. 

I assumed my second delivery would be very similar. I predicted he would come a week early or around then and be a nice quick delivery. The only think I was right about was the quick part. Our second son decided to come two weeks early and in the middle of the night.

I woke up around 2:30 am with a sharp pain in my stomach. I actually thought it was because I had eaten Mexican food earlier in the night. The first thing I did was go to the restroom thinking the pain would subside. The pain left for a few minutes but came back just as strong. Again, I figured I had not finished using the restroom. This time though it felt like there was a lot of pressure. I still did not think I was in labor. I walked around in our little apartment for a few minutes but the pain would not go away. All the sudden my water broke. That is when the pain really started.

I screamed for my husband Matt and scared him half to death. He immediately called his brother to come over and watch Little Matthew. It only took him maybe five minutes to get to our house but it felt like an eternity. I was getting worried we may not make it to the hospital. I even made Matt run a red light.

Matt and I arrived at the hospital at 3:10 am and my doctor came shortly thereafter. I was thinking I might still be able to get an epidural but as soon as my doctor looked at me she knew I was ready to push. I was completely dilated and having contractions two minutes apart. I can not believe how much contractions hurt. I felt like I was ripping in half. My hips were on fire. The doctor had me try and push a couple of times but our little guy was not ready to come out yet. I was crying and screaming because the pain was so intense. I do not know how women do it with out pain medicine. Lucky for me there was just enough time to get a spinal block. It worked immediately.  I would have been ready to start pushing but I needed to get a shot of penicillin and it took about an hour for it to take affect. Two pushes later we had a handsome six pound baby boy.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Biggest Fears

So I was thinking about things I was most afraid of the other day and I realized I hate talking on the phone with people I do not really know. I am not sure what it is but I avoid it like the plague. I was wondering if anyone else has this phobia? Matt gets mad at me because I always make him call places even if I should be the one doing it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life After College

I was talking to my friend today and it made me think about life after college. It is amazing how in grade school and high school teachers drill into us how important college is; then you graduate and there are no jobs. I think education is really important but in the end it is all about experience. No one will hire you with just a bachelor's degree. You either have to have a master's degree or 5 years experience. How do you get experience if no one will hire you?

Life is so frustrating.

This is what people really do in college: